With the continuation of the series of offers, we offer you the advanced router:- ⭐️RBmAP2nD⭐️ From the company MIKROTIK at a special price ⭐️Device Specifications⭐️ 🟠A very small router with advanced specifications. 🟠It works at a frequency of 2.4GHz. 🟠Contains protein of the type (10/100) 🟠Equip (POE OUT) 🟠This router, with its small size, has […]
Tag Archives: Sharq_Aljazeera_company
#special offer Sharq Al-Jazeera Company offers you a special offer on the advanced product, which is 🛑CRS312-4C+8XG-RM 🛑 From the company MIKROTIK #Price_$450 and for a limited time 🛑Specifications of the device🛑 🛑 The first device to support the ETHER 10 G feature, which contains 4Port combo type. By the combo feature in this […]